How To Care For A Newborn Baby: Sleeping, Feeding, And Everything In Between | Dallas Newborn Photographer

How To Care For A Newborn Baby: Sleeping, Feeding, And Everything In Between


Now that your newborn baby is here, life is going to be very different. If you're wondering how to care for a newborn baby, then you've come to the right place. Whether you're a first time parent or you've had kids before, knowing how to properly care for a newborn will make the first few months easier.

Taking care of your newborn baby includes feeding them properly, changing their diapers and clothes, bathing them, soothing them, helping them fall asleep, and more. If you don't care for your newborn properly, then this might inhibit the baby from reaching their developmental milestones in a proper manner.

There are some basics that you should keep in mind, when it comes to newborn care. Remember to always wash your hands, or use a hand sanitizer, before you handle your baby. This is as newborn babies tend to have immune systems that aren't developed yet, meaning they can catch infections more easily.

When you hold your baby, remember to support their head as well as their neck. Anytime you carry your baby, cradle their head. If you're holding the baby upright, or laying them down in the crib, support their head properly.

Newborn baby in a neutral swaddle lays on a bed


When it comes to newborn baby care tips, a lot of information is available on how to feed babies. You could choose to breastfeed them, or bottle feed them. Usually, it's recommended that you feed your baby anytime they ask to be fed. The baby could try to let you know they are hungry by crying, or they could put their fingers in their mouth as well.

Breastfeeding Newborn Babies

Newborn babies need to be fed at regular intervals. Ideally, you should be feeding them every two to three hours. In case you're breastfeeding, then allow the baby to nurse at each breast for around ten to fifteen minutes. There are certain advantages associated with breastfeeding, over bottle feeding.

When you breastfeed your newborn baby, you help them improve their immune system. You won't have to worry about making the formula right, or whether they're getting enough nutrition through the formula. Note that you might have to wake the baby up every few hours, to feed them. The baby might not always let you know that it's feeding time, so ensure you keep track of when you're feeding them.

Breastfeeding is simple, but remember to hold your baby properly whIle breastfeeding them. Cradle their head in your hand, and support their body weight. Bring them close to the breast, and the baby will begin feeding by themselves.

Mother holds her newborn baby on the couch during an at home newborn session in Dallas Texas
Mother and father hold their newborn baby on the couch during an at home newborn session in Dallas Texas

Bottle Feeding New Born Babies

Should you choose to bottle feed your baby, then it will be easier to monitor exactly how much food they are consuming. At each feeding, the baby should consume around two to three ounces of milk.

The procedure for preparing the formula will depend on the formula you've purchased. Follow the instructions carefully to prepare the milk. When it's ready, add the formula to the feeding bottle. Now, check the temperature of the feeding bottle. It shouldn't be too hot, or this could hurt the baby's mouth. When you're sure the formula is at room temperature, then give the bottle to the baby.

To feed the baby, cradle them in your arms first. Then, using your free hand, bring the bottle close to their mouth. If the baby doesn't begin sucking on the bottle by themselves, squirt a little bit of milk into their mouth. This could encourage them to feed using the bottle.

Whether you're breastfeeding or bottle feeding your baby, you'll need to ensure that they are getting enough milk. Look for signs that your baby is satisfied. You should need to change their diaper around six times everyday. Monitor their weight as well, as this is the time when they should start gaining weight.

If you're breastfeeding, then look for whether your breast feels less full after the feeding session, than before. A common issue you might face is the baby swallowing air while feeding. To deal with this, you'll need to burp the baby after their meals. To burp your baby, hold them upright while supporting their head and back. Ensure that their head is higher than their chest. Then, gently pat or rub their back to get them to burp.

Mother holds her newborn baby on the couch during an at home newborn session in Dallas Texas


Newborn baby care for first time parents doesn't have to be hard, but you'll need to know what you're doing. Newborn babies typically sleep at least sixteen hours every day. They'll usually sleep for two to four hours, before waking up. This is during the night as well, so don't expect them to sleep through the night.

Babies have a small digestive system. This means that they need food after two to three hours. By the time the baby is three months old, they are more likely to sleep through the night. If your baby is still waking up at night, there's nothing to worry about. Babies tend to develop their own sleeping patterns as they age.

There's also something that you need to consider, when it comes to newborn care. You should always place your baby on their back, when you lay them in their crib. This will help reduce risks associated with SIDS, or sudden infant death syndrome. There are other safe sleeping practices that you should consider as well. Don't add blankets, pillows, stuffed animals or bassinets to the baby's crib, as these could suffocate the child. Up to the first year, consider sharing a room with the baby. Don't place them in your bed, but place their crib in your bedroom at night. You'll also need to change how you position their head each night, to prevent them from developing a flat spot.

Mother holds her newborn baby on the couch during an at home newborn session in Dallas Texas


Babies can cry for a large number of reasons. They could be hungry, sleepy, they might need their diaper changed, and more. If you want to provide your baby with quality care, then you should know how to soothe them when they cry. When you soothe your newborn baby, you're bonding with them as well. The baby will become more attached to you as you soothe them. This can affect their emotional growth, and eventually, their physical growth as well.

To soothe your baby, cradle them while gently stroking their head, their backs, and more. Remember to hold them against your skin. You can give them infant massages as well. Remember though, that a newborn baby is still very weak, so massage them gently. Babies also love the sounds of their parents' voices. You could try talking to your baby, singing to them, or cooing at them.

Babies also love to listen to music. This is why baby rattles are so effective at catching their attention. You can purchase a music mobile for them as well, to keep them entertained. There are babies that are sensitive to light, touch or sound, or they might cry easily as well. To calm a fussy baby, first swaddle them close to your chest. Then, gently pat them on the back and coo at them.

You can also use a white noise machine, to help the baby stay calm.

Detail shot of a closeup of a newborn baby's feet against a white background for a newborn photography session


Newborn baby care for first time parents involves paying attention to the developmental milestones of the child as well. By the time they are a week old, they should be turning their head towards sounds. By the time they are a month old, they should also pay attention to faces. At this time, they might also start feeling bored of doing the same activities.

By the time they are four months old, they should begin to babble, and should be able to hold their toys properly. They should also be able to lift up their head without needing your support. Within six months, they should know how to make sounds to responsible to different sounds. They should also begin to sit up, without needing support. You might also notice them looking at the things that are around them.

If they are nine months old, they should be able to understand 'no'. They should be able to crawl, and should also know how to point at things using their finger. By the time they become one year old, they should know how to say 'mama' or 'dada', as well as other simple words. At this time, they will also start to use the things around them. They can try to stand by themselves, and should also know how to follow basic directions.

Developmental milestones for children help you assess how your child is doing, compared to others their age. A newborn baby grows a great deal within the first year. There are some things that you can do, like giving them educational toys, to boost their progress. You can also spend quality time with the baby, teaching them basics about the world. Teach them how to play with their toys, and how to react to the world around them.

If you find that your baby is a little slow in meeting their developmental milestones, don't panic. This is as some babies take more time than others.

Mother holds her newborn baby on the couch during an at home newborn session in Dallas Texas


Health and safety is extremely important, especially for newborn babies. You should create a newborn baby care routine that includes bathing the child, changing their diaper, dressing them, swaddling them, feeding them, and more. You may also need to clean their umbilical cord, or help them heal from a circumcision.

You should know how to clean their nasal passages using a bulb syringe. You should also know how to take their temperature, in case they fall sick. Health and safety for newborn babies basically involves keeping the baby clean, well fed, and safe from potential dangers encountered at that age.

You'll need to actively monitor the health of your baby. Newborn baby care during the day is somewhat easier than at night, but SIDS can affect your child at any time. Ensure that while the baby is sleeping, they don't wind up suffocating themselves. You can do this by keeping the sleeping area clean of things like blankets, stuffed toys, and more.

Mom and dad change baby's diaper in their nursery


Newborn baby care in the first week involves bathing and dressing the baby as well. You can give the baby a sponge bath until their umbilical cord ends up falling off. Their navel should also have healed properly. This can take up to four weeks.

For newborn baby care in the first year, you can bathe them either twice or thrice a week. If you bathe them more frequently, then this could end up drying out their skin.

These are what you'll need to bathe your baby:

  • A washcloth that is soft and clean

  • Mild baby shampoo and soap, that are ideally unscented

  • A brush with soft bristles, to stimulate the scalp of the baby

  • Soft blankets and towels

  • Clean diapers

  • Clean clothes

Mother and father hold their newborn baby on the couch during an at home newborn session in Dallas Texas

You can give your baby a sponge bath, or a tub bath. If you want to give them a sponge bath, then first select a surface that's flat, such as your changing table. Keep a bowl of warm water next to you. Then, undress your baby. Wet the towel using the warn water, and clean your baby's skin using that water. Take a little bit of the soap on the towel, and gently wash the child's body with it. When the child is clean, take a dry towel and pat them dry with it.

You could also give your baby a tub bath. This is more suitable for babies that are a few months old. For this, you'll need to purchase an infant tub. Add warm water to the tub, till it reaches a height of two to three inches. Then test the water temperature. After gently placing the baby in the infant tub, use a washcloth to clean their face as well as hair. Remember to keep pouring warm water over the baby's body regularly, to prevent them from feeling cold during the bath.

Closeup of a newborn's face for an at home newborn photography session


Newborn care after birth is a lot more tricky than when the baby starts to get older. During the first week, your baby will be sleeping a lot. They'll also need to be fed every two to three hours.

Within the first week, the shape of the baby's head will become more normal. Some babies are born with cone shaped heads, that normalize within a week. If there's any kind of swelling around their face or eyes, this will also go down. Within the first week, the umbilical cord will start to become dry, and then it will fall off. This usually happens within the first ten days after birth.

Although the newborn will likely wake up when they feel hungry, you might still need to wake them up for routine feeding, if they're sleeping. At this stage, you can use your voice to soothe the child, and start developing a close bond with them.

Mother and father hold their newborn baby on the floor of their nursery during an at home newborn session in Dallas Texas


If you're a first time parent, then you may have various questions in your mind about raising a newborn baby. For the most part, following this guide will help you care for your baby at home. However, if you have newborn baby health concerns, then consult a doctor immediately.

To properly care for your newborn baby, you'll need to feed them properly, keep them clean, and socialize them. You'll also need to ensure that they are safe from any potential dangers that could be around them. You should also know what the developmental milestones for a newborn baby are, to ensure your child is developing normally. If this is not the case, then your child might need additional help to grow. Consult a doctor to learn more about helping your child meet their developmental goals. Usually however, children meet their developmental milestones by themselves, even if it takes longer. Use the tips in this guide to provide quality care to your newborn, and help them grow well.

From feeding to cleaning, sleeping to meeting developmental milestones, this guide covers how to care for your newborn baby, especially in the early stages.






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