Now, I know that investing in photography can feel like a big decision (because, let’s be real, it is!) but I truly do believe it’s one of the best investments you can make. This is your family we're talking about, and these are the moments that will fly by in the blink of an eye. The moments we live for — the moments of honest, genuine connection — are priceless. Years down the road, it’s my hope that you are able to look back at your photos and remember the feeling of these special times.




All Sessions Include:

- All the best photos (always 50+)

- Complete professional guidance from beginning to end.

— A complete Welcome Guide upon booking, so you have my most common, curated family session advice & tips at the ready.

- As much (or as little) personalized styling and wardrobe assistance from me with complete access to the family, maternity, and newborn client closet.


Session planning

Once you’re officially on the books (woohoo!) I’ll send over EVERYTHING we’ll need to get started planning. Whether it's styling, unique locations, or selecting the best timing to shoot (with bedtimes and naps in mind), we’ll chat about it all so you can get hyped for your session!

The Session

The day is here! During your session, I offer complete professional guidance from beginning to end. Whatever you need, I'll make it happen: portraits of each of the kiddos, mom with the kids, dad with the kids, a couple of shots of mom and dad, and SO MUCH playing!

You’ve got mail!

After the session, you’ll receive all the best photos (always 50+) from your session. Everything (digitals and all) is yours to keep — nothing held back. Your family photos will be full-size, high-resolution, and delivered via a personalized online gallery with access to professional prints & products. 


Now that you've got the lowdown, let's make this a thing! Head over to the booking page and find a date on my calendar that works for your family. It’s 50% to lock in the date and 50% by the day of your photoshoot. 

Of course, if you still have questions you would like to address before moving forward, shoot me an email or text at (530)-519-0836. I'd love to offer some clarity!