Step-by-Step Guide for Printing Frame-Worthy Family Photos | DFW Family Photographer

A family photographer’s guide to printing high-quality, frame-worthy family photos

Print photos have a special kind of value that digital photos just can't capture. In today's world, we take more photos than ever before, but we often don't print them out or display them in our homes. Instead, they live on our phones, laptops, and social media accounts, never to be seen again unless someone scrolls through their feed or clicks on a folder. While there's certainly value in being able to easily access and share digital photos, there's something to be said for the tangible, physical nature of print photos. In a world where digital photography has become the norm, it's easy to forget the value of print photos. We snap pictures on our phones, post them to social media, and save them to the cloud, all with the convenience of having them stored electronically. But while digital photos have their advantages, there is something special and irreplaceable about print photos. Here are just a few reasons why you should consider printing physical copies of your family's photos:

Why print your family photos in the first place?

  1. Print photos are timeless.

    Digital files can become lost, deleted, or corrupted over time. But physical prints are tangible, lasting memories that you can hold in your hand and pass down from generation to generation. They are not subject to the same technological advances and obsolescence as digital files, which means they will be around for a long time to come. Digital photos are convenient and easy to share, but they can also be easily lost or deleted. Hard drives fail, phones break, and cloud storage can be hacked or become unavailable. Print photos, on the other hand, are physical objects that are much more difficult to lose or destroy. They can withstand the test of time, and you'll be able to look back on them and cherish them for years to come.

  2. Print photos have a certain tangible quality.

    There is something special about the feel of a physical photograph. The texture of the paper, the weight of the print in your hand, the way it smells - all of these add to the experience of looking at a print photo. This is especially true when you look at old photos from decades past, as they have a certain patina and character that digital files simply can't replicate.

  3. Print photos can be displayed in a variety of ways.

    Digital photos are often confined to screens and are only viewed when they are actively being looked at. Print photos, on the other hand, can be displayed in a variety of ways - on walls, in albums, on shelves, or in frames. This makes them more visible and accessible to you and your loved ones, encouraging you to look at and appreciate them more often.

  4. Print photos are a great conversation starter.

    Print photos are a tangible reminder of your family's history and stories. When you have them displayed in your home, they can serve as a natural conversation starter for you and your loved ones. You can reminisce about past events, share stories about the people in the photos, and pass on valuable lessons and traditions to future generations. They become a part of your home's decor. They add personality and character to your space, and they can be a great conversation starter when you have guests over. It's always nice to have something to talk about, and looking at old family photos can spark memories and stories that you may have forgotten about.

  5. Print photos make great gifts.

    Print photos make for great gifts, especially for loved ones who may not be as tech-savvy or who may not have access to the same digital devices as you. Giving someone a physical photo that they can hold and display in their home is a thoughtful and personal gesture that will be greatly appreciated.If you have a special event coming up, such as a birthday or anniversary, print photos make for great gifts. You can put together a photo album or frame a special photo and give it as a meaningful and thoughtful present.

  6. Print photos are more meaningful.

    There is something more meaningful about the act of printing a photo and physically holding it in your hand. It shows that you value the memory and the people in the photo enough to make the effort to print it. It also allows you to be more selective about which photos you choose to print, rather than just mindlessly scrolling through an endless feed of digital images. When you print out a photo and display it in your home, it becomes a part of your space. It's something that you can look at and appreciate on a daily basis, rather than just scrolling through on your phone. Seeing a physical photo of your loved ones can also be more meaningful and emotional than just looking at a digital version.

  7. Print photos are more memorable.

    Studies have shown that people are more likely to remember and value experiences when they have a physical keepsake to associate with them. Print photos allow you to create tangible memories that you can hold onto and look back on for years to come.

  8. Print photos are more meaningful for future generations.

    While we may be able to easily access and share digital photos now, it's not guaranteed that future generations will be able to do the same. Technology changes quickly, and it's possible that the way we currently store and access digital photos may not be possible in the future. By printing out photos and creating physical photo albums or frames, you'll be able to pass down your family's memories and history to future generations in a more tangible way.

Overall, print photos have a special kind of value that can't be replicated by digital photos. They're timeless, personal, great conversation starters, and meaningful for future generations. So next time you take a family photo, consider printing it out and displaying it in your home. It'll add character to your space and give you something special to look back on and cherish for years to come. In conclusion, while digital photography has its advantages, there is something special and irreplaceable about print photos. They are timeless, have a certain tangible quality, can be displayed in a variety of ways, make great conversation starters and gifts, are more meaningful and memorable, and allow you to hold onto and appreciate your family's memories in a way that digital photos simply can't. So don't be afraid to break out the old photo albums or invest in some new frames - print photos are a valuable addition to any family's collection.

Where should you print your family photos?

There are many places where you can print family photos, including:

  1. Local photo labs

    Many cities have local photo labs that offer a variety of printing options, including traditional prints, canvas prints, and metal prints. These labs often have a wide range of paper and finish options, as well as the ability to retouch and restore old photos.

  2. Online photo printing services

    There are many online photo printing services that allow you to upload your digital photos and have them printed and shipped to you. Some popular options include Shutterfly, Snapfish, and Printful. These services often offer a variety of sizes and finishes, as well as the ability to create photo albums and other customized products.

  3. Big box stores

    Many big box stores, such as Walmart and Target, offer photo printing services in-store or online. These stores often have a wide range of sizes and finishes available, as well as the ability to create customized photo gifts.

  4. Professional photographers

    If you have high-quality images that you want to print, you may want to consider working with a professional photographer or print lab. These professionals can often offer a wider range of print options, including fine art prints and other specialized products.

When choosing a place to print your family photos, it's important to consider the quality of the prints, the range of options available, and the cost. It may also be helpful to read reviews and ask for recommendations from friends or family.


So, where is the best place to print professional photos?

While places like Costco, CVS, and Walgreens offer low prices, there are a few reasons why you may want to consider printing your family photos directly from your professional photographer or from a print lab instead of a big box store:

  1. Quality

    Print labs often have specialized equipment and processes in place to produce high-quality prints. This may include professional-grade printers and papers, as well as color calibration and other advanced techniques. As a result, the prints you receive from a print lab may be of higher quality than those produced at a big box store.

  2. Range of options

    Print labs often offer a wider range of print options than big box stores, including different sizes, papers, and finishes. This allows you to choose the best options for your specific needs and preferences.

  3. Expertise

    Print labs often employ trained professionals who have expertise in color management and printing. This can be especially helpful if you have specific requirements for your prints, such as if you are printing fine art photos or have images that require color correction.

  4. Customer service

    Print labs often have a greater focus on customer service and are more willing to go the extra mile to ensure that you are satisfied with your prints. This may include offering advice on which options to choose, retouching and restoring old photos, and providing guidance on how to care for your prints.

Of course, there are also many reasons to consider printing your family photos at a big box store, such as convenience and cost. However, if you are looking for high-quality prints and a wide range of options, a print lab may be the better choice.

What size prints should you order?

The size of the prints you order will depend on a few factors, including:

  1. The resolution of the image: The higher the resolution of the image, the larger you can print it without losing quality. If you are unsure of the resolution of your image, you can check the file size or ask the person who took the photo.

  2. The intended use of the print: Will the print be displayed on a wall or in an album? If it will be displayed on a wall, you may want to consider a larger size. If it will be displayed in an album, a smaller size may be more suitable.

  3. The size of the space where the print will be displayed: Consider the size of the space where the print will be displayed, as well as the distance from which it will be viewed. This will help you determine the appropriate size for the print.

  4. Your personal preference: Ultimately, the size of the print is a matter of personal preference. Some people prefer larger prints, while others prefer smaller ones. Consider your own tastes and what you think will look best in your home.

It can be helpful to order a few different sizes of the same print to see which one looks best in your home. Many photo printing services offer the option to order prints in a variety of sizes, so you can try out different options before committing to a larger order.

Should you order glossy or matte prints?

Whether you should order glossy or matte prints will depend on your personal preference and the intended use of the prints. Here are a few factors to consider when deciding between glossy and matte prints:

  1. Glossy prints: Glossy prints have a shiny, reflective finish that can make colors appear more vibrant and saturated. They are often preferred for photos with bright colors or high contrast, as they can make the image pop. However, glossy prints may be more prone to fingerprints and reflections, which can be distracting when viewing the print.

  2. Matte prints: Matte prints have a non-reflective finish that can make colors appear softer and less saturated. They are often preferred for photos with more subtle colors or low contrast, as they can give the image a more subtle, understated look. Matte prints are also less prone to fingerprints and reflections, which can make them easier to view.

Ultimately, the decision between glossy and matte prints is a matter of personal preference. Some people prefer the vibrant, saturated look of glossy prints, while others prefer the softer, more subtle look of matte prints. If you are unsure which finish to choose, you may want to consider ordering a few prints in each finish to see which one you prefer. Many photo printing services offer the option to order prints in a variety of finishes, so you can try out different options before committing to a larger order.


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