The Secret To Getting Your Kids To Behave During Your Family Photoshoot | Dallas Family Photographer

The Family Photographer’s Secret To Getting Your Kids To Behave During Your Family Photoshoot

Updated May 2023

It’s one of the most common questions I get in the lead-up to your family photo session, and is truly such a normal concern for parents to have — how on earth do I make sure my kids don’t have a meltdown during my photoshoot? You’ve invested not only financially, but have done loads of research to find the right photographer for your family, browsed Pinterest for inspiration, and are still in the process of finally narrowing down a color palette for your outfits (it never ends, I promise). You’ve invested so much to make sure everything goes perfectly, and now your fate rests in the hands of the little ones whose emotional regulation skills are still in beta.

To you parents feeling the universal pressure of wanting to show up to your session with chill, smiley, totally regulated kiddos, here’s a little secret from a family photographer: it's best to embrace the unexpected, let go of expectations, and allow the session to unfold as it will. Focus more on each other and less on the camera. Trust in me to guide you into the moments that are truly worth capturing.

In my experience photographing families throughout Dallas-Fort Worth, I've learned to do just this - to go into each session with minimal expectations. More than anything, it’s the idiosyncrasies and unique personalities of your family that will nurture beautiful, authentic family photos.

But, as we know, when it comes to family photoshoots, it’s likely parents still feel the pressure to make sure their kids behave and smile perfectly at the camera. Still, I've found that the best way to get those natural and authentic moments is by letting go of control and allowing your kids to lead the way.

For this reason, incorporating games, movement, play, and fun prompts is a huge part of my approach to family photograph. Above all, my goal is to create moments of connection between you and your family. By engaging in these activities, you can let go of the pressure to pose and instead focus on having fun and enjoying the moment together. When you're relaxed and enjoying yourselves, that's when the real magic happens. It's those natural moments of connection, storytelling, and joy that make the best family photos in my opinion.

Of course, getting those “money shots” of the whole family smiling at the camera is a must-have for your final gallery — and I make sure to capture these photos right at the start of your session so we don’t miss them. But really, I don't want you to worry about making sure your kid smiles at the camera because, in the end, those posed shots can feel forced and unnatural.

Instead, let’s capture your family in your natural element - laughing, playing, and having fun together. By letting your kids be themselves, I can capture their true personalities and the unique dynamic of your family.

Naturally, some kids may feel shy or unsure in front of the camera — I was 100% this kid growing up. That's why I take the time to get to know your family and make sure everyone is comfortable before we start the shoot. I also encourage parents to bring items or props that will help their kids feel more at ease, such as a favorite toy or blanket.

Here’s the final takeaway: the key to getting those beautiful, authentic family photos is to let go of control and allow your kids to lead the way. By incorporating play, games, movement, and prompts, I can capture those natural moments of connection that truly showcase your family's unique personality and dynamic. So, let's have fun, relax, and enjoy the moment together as a family.


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