What to Know When Bringing Your Dog to A Family Photoshoot | Plano Family Photographer

Everything You Need To Know Before Bringing Your Dog to A Photoshoot

Updated December 2022

If you're considering bringing your furry family member to your next photoshoot, you're in the right place. As a family photographer — and dog owner myself — I understand the importance of capturing all members of the family, including the four-legged ones. Dogs are an integral part of many families, and their presence in family photos can add an extra layer of personality and love. However, bringing your dog to a photoshoot also requires a bit of extra planning and preparation.

Overall, bringing your dog to a family photoshoot can be a wonderful experience for both you and your furry family member. With a bit of planning and preparation, you can ensure that the photoshoot goes smoothly and captures the love and joy that your dog brings to your family.

5 Tips for Bringing Your Dog to A Family Photoshoot

If you are bringing your dog to a family photoshoot, there are a few things you can do to ensure the best possible experience:

  1. Prepare your dog

    Make sure your dog is well-behaved and accustomed to being around strangers and in new environments. It may be helpful to practice obedience training with your dog before the photoshoot to ensure they are well-behaved and responsive to commands. It's important to ensure that your dog is well-behaved and accustomed to being around strangers and in new environments. Obedience training can be a great way to prepare your dog for the photoshoot and ensure they are responsive to commands.

  2. Plan ahead

    It's also a good idea to discuss the plans for the photoshoot with the photographer in advance and let them know that you will be bringing your dog. Discuss the plans for the photoshoot with the photographer in advance, and let them know that you will be bringing your dog. This will give the photographer time to plan for the additional presence and ensure that they have the necessary equipment and setup to accommodate your dog.

  3. Bring necessary items

    In addition to preparing your dog, it's important to bring along any necessary items to keep them comfortable and happy during the photoshoot. Bring along any necessary items for your dog, such as a leash, treats, water, and a bowl. This will help keep your dog comfortable and happy during the photoshoot. This may include a leash, treats, water, and a bowl. It's also important to consider your dog's safety. Make sure they are up to date on all necessary vaccinations and are healthy enough to participate in the photoshoot. Be mindful of any hazards that may be present at the photoshoot location, such as other animals or unfamiliar objects, and take steps to keep your dog safe.

  4. Consider your dog's safety

    Make sure your dog is up to date on all necessary vaccinations and is healthy enough to participate in the photoshoot. Also, be mindful of any hazards that may be present at the photoshoot location, such as other animals or unfamiliar objects, and take steps to keep your dog safe.

  5. Have fun

    One of the great things about including your dog in a family photoshoot is that it allows their personality to shine through. Don't be afraid to let your dog's true self come through in the photos. This can help capture the unique bond you share with your furry friend.

How Do I Prepare My Dog for a Photoshoot?

  • Socialize your dog

To best prepare your dog for a photoshoot, it’s important to make sure your dog feels comfortable during the photoshoot. To do this, I recommend doing your best to socialize your dog ahead the photoshoot. If your dog is not used to being around strangers or in new environments, it may be helpful to socialize them before the photoshoot. This can help them feel more comfortable and relaxed during the photoshoot.

  • Familiarize your dog with the photographer and photoshoot location

  • Part of socializing your dog before a photoshoot can include introducing your dog to the photographer: if possible, it can be helpful to introduce your dog to the photographer before the photoshoot. This can help your dog feel more comfortable and familiar with the person taking their pictures. Similarly, it can be helpful to visit the photoshoot location ahead of time so that your dog feels safe and familiar on the day of the shoot.

What Should I Bring to a Photoshoot with My Dog?

Here are some items you may want to bring to a photoshoot with your dog:

  1. Leash: Make sure you have a leash for your dog to use during the photoshoot, especially if the photoshoot location is not fully fenced in.

  2. Treats: Bring along a few treats to reward your dog for good behavior during the photoshoot. This can also be a helpful way to get your dog's attention for certain poses or shots.

  3. Water and bowl: It's important to keep your dog hydrated during the photoshoot, so bring along a bowl and water for them to drink from.

  4. Toys or props: If you want to incorporate any toys or props into the photoshoot, make sure to bring them along. This can add an extra element of fun and personality to the photos.

  5. Collar and identification: Make sure your dog is wearing a collar and identification tags in case they get loose during the photoshoot.

  6. Towel or wipes: It's a good idea to bring along a towel or wipes in case your dog gets dirty or wet during the photoshoot.

  7. Extra clothes: Depending on the location and theme of the photoshoot, you may want to bring along extra clothes or accessories for yourself or your family members.

  8. Camera or phone: If you want to take any candid or behind-the-scenes photos during the photoshoot, make sure to bring along a camera or phone.

  9. Other necessary items: Think about any other items you may need for the photoshoot, such as sunblock, insect repellent, or snacks for yourself and your family.

Can I Bring More Than One Dog to a Photoshoot?

It is possible to bring more than one dog to a photoshoot, but it can require extra planning and preparation. Here are a few things to consider when bringing multiple dogs to a photoshoot:

  1. Make sure all of the dogs are well-behaved and accustomed to being around strangers and in new environments. Obedience training can be especially important when working with multiple dogs.

  2. Discuss the plans for the photoshoot with the photographer in advance and let them know that you will be bringing multiple dogs. This will give the photographer time to plan for the additional presence and ensure that they have the necessary equipment and setup to accommodate all of the dogs.

  3. Bring necessary items for all of the dogs, such as leashes, treats, water, and bowls.

  4. Consider the safety of all of the dogs. Make sure they are up to date on all necessary vaccinations and are healthy enough to participate in the photoshoot. Be mindful of any hazards that may be present at the photoshoot location, such as other animals or unfamiliar objects, and take steps to keep all of the dogs safe.

  5. Plan for enough time to manage all of the dogs during the photoshoot. It may be helpful to have additional helpers on hand to assist with the dogs and keep them under control.


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