How to Make The Most of Your Bluebonnet Family Photo Session | Dallas Family Photographer

How to Make The Most of Your Bluebonnet Family Photo Session

Updated June 2023

Are you ready for your family bluebonnet photoshoot? Are you ready to chase your kids around a field of wildflowers, hoping they'll stay still for just a moment? Are you ready to make sure everyone's outfits match (or at least don't clash too badly)? If you're feeling a mix of excitement and dread, don't worry - you're not alone. As a family photographer, I've seen it all. From toddlers running off in the wrong direction to dogs stealing the show, I've learned to embrace the unexpected and roll with the punches. But fear not - with a little bit of preparation and a lot of flexibility, you can make the most of your family bluebonnet photoshoot and come away with photos that capture the love and connection of your family.

First things first, let's talk outfits. You don't have to all wear matching white shirts and jeans (although if that's your thing, go for it!). The most important thing is to wear clothes that you're comfortable in and that make you feel like yourself. This goes for your kids too - they're much more likely to cooperate if they're not being forced into scratchy, uncomfortable clothes. So let them wear their favorite superhero shirt or princess dress, and don't worry too much about making everything match perfectly.

Next, think about incorporating play, games, movement, and prompts into your photoshoot. This not only helps keep your kids engaged and happy, but it also creates natural moments of connection that make for great photos. For example, have a tickle fight, play a game of Simon Says, or ask your kids to tell each other a silly joke. These kinds of activities help bring out the genuine joy and love within your family, rather than just forcing everyone to smile at the camera on command.

Another important tip is to let go of control and let your kids lead the way. Telling them over and over to smile at the camera only makes them shut down faster. Instead, focus on having fun together and let me capture the natural moments that happen as a result. The best family photos, in my opinion, are those of you connecting, telling stories, and truly enjoying a moment together as a family. So don't stress too much about getting the "perfect" shot - trust me to guide you into the moments that are truly worth capturing.

Now, let's talk about the elephant in the room: what if your kids have a meltdown during the photoshoot? First of all, take a deep breath - it happens to the best of us. One thing that can help is to bring along a few small toys or snacks that your kids can play with during breaks in the photoshoot. And if all else fails, don't be afraid to take a break and let everyone regroup. Sometimes a quick snack or a few minutes of running around can do wonders for everyone's mood.

Finally, don't forget to have fun! Yes, getting family photos taken can be a little stressful, but it's also an opportunity to make some great memories together. So embrace the unexpected, let go of expectations, and allow the session to unfold as it will. Focus more on each other and less on the camera. Trust in me to guide you into the moments that are truly worth capturing, and allow yourself to actually relax and enjoy the ride.

In the end, the most important thing is to come away from your family bluebonnet photoshoot with photos that truly capture the love and connection of your family. And if that means getting a little bit silly and letting go of control, then so be it. Your family is unique and wonderful just the way it is, and I can't wait to capture that on camera.


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